Mike Lane


Aka "Laney"

My Family and I moved to Margaret River in early 2015.  A life long Liverpool fanatic and Glory fan, I soon joined the Club, and all the amazing people involved have been a massive part of our lives ever since. 

The support, friendships and personal development gained through playing this wonderful team sport, has been instrumental in shaping our family ideology. 

I love the culture and people of FMR.  The "One Club" philosophy runs true through this Club and I'm very proud to be part of the team steering us in the right direction for future growth and player development

I have been a team Captain, Senior Coordinator, Masters Coordinator and take great delight in Coaching the next generation in "The Mighty Storm" at a Junior level.

I have represented the Clubs Masters, the Mens Reserves and the First Team. During this time the teams been lucky enough to have won League Titles, South West Cups and Pioneer Cups.

I am honoured and privileged to take on the Chair position. I am committed to carrying on the wonderful work being done at this club. I am excited for the future of FMR and very much looking forward to this season ahead.