information for parents
Where do my fees go?
Are my fees refundable?
If you pull out for any reason prior to the start of the season, we will only be able to refund your Club portion of the fees. The other Fees go direct to LNJSA, Football West and the Football Federation to cover your registration and insurance, and may not be refundable. You will need to go direct to all parties to request a refund. If you pull out during the season, no fees will be refunded.
Can I request to change teams?
Any requests to go into a specific team, or move from one to another must be advised at the time of registration to Once registrations close and the teams are built, any lates requests for changes will be unable be accommodated.
Why is my child not playing in their age group?
Sometimes due to uneven registration numbers, we will need to move new players up or down an age group in the Team Building process. FMR also has a policy of playing girls down a year due to independent research that has been carried out on the benefits to our young ladies in doing so. The U6-U8 is where most of these changes occur. We do try to correct kids to their proper age in subsequent seasons.
Can my child play up an age group? Or two?
If you believe your child is better suited skill wise to play up a year, please contact to discuss. An assessment will need to be done on your child’s skill level before this will be considered. If a child plays up more than one year, it also needs to go to the LNJSA meetings for approval from the Committee.
My child isn’t coping in their age group. Can they play down a year?
If you believe your child is better suited skill wise to down up a year, please contact to discuss.
Do I have to buy a uniform / kit?
Yes and no. FMR provides a kit for your child to wear that must be returned at the end of the season, washed and in good condition. It is also up to the Parents to wash the kit each week, not your team Manager. You will need to buy yellow/gold socks, shin pads and boots. All of which are available at Sportspower. If you loose your kit or it is returned damaged, the Club reserves the right to invoice you for a replacement.
We are new to soccer. How can I learn more?
Mini-Roos has some simple easy to follow docs that can be found here:
FIFA is a little trickier as off-side comes in to play. YouTube has a lot of videos explaining it. This one is short and helpful The Laws of the Game doc is rather long, but talk to your Coach, Luke our Technical Director or email and we can try to offer some guidance.
How do I communicate with my team?
Most teams use Heja to provide information. It’s very easy to use and will list all the games and their locations, plus training days and times. Please make sure to use the app to notify the team of any absences at training, or games. If you are sick on a training or game day, please notify your Coach ASAP.
We have holidays booked. Do I need to tell anyone?
We would love if there was a 100% commitment to the team, but understand people may be away during the season. If you have any weekends you will be unable to play, PLEASE TALK TO YOUR COACH as soon as you are aware of these. If a team has 2-3 players away at the same time with no notice, it can lead to your team forfeiting.
Is there a Code of Conduct?
Yes. All players and their families must abide by the Code of Conduct. This covers behaviours on and off the pitch and your Team Manager will provide them for your signatures at the start of the Season. FMR does not condone any derogatory or offensive remarks made by players of their families to our opposition, Coaches, Referees, Linesmen or your team mates which is clearly set out in the Code Of Conduct. This includes foul language on or off the pitch and any bullying behaviours towards team mates. Your behaviour reflects on our Club and we will take firm and swift action to any reports of players or spectators crossing these lines, with penalties such as sitting out games, or in the case of parents, being asked to leave the grounds. Once you get to FIFA level, LNJSA will also take action on Yellow and Red cards with appropriate penalties given to players in the form of match suspensions.
How much time does our family need to commit?
Mini-Roos (U6-U11) will generally train once a week, with games on Saturday mornings. FIFA (U12-YL) will generally train twice a week and it is expected at this level that there is a strong attendance unless you are sick or injured. Our Coaches give up hours of their time each week, so it is very much appreciated when kids come to training sessions keen to listen and learn, and show up early (minimum 30 mins - your Coach will advise on this) on Game day in their kit ready to warm up with their team prior to the game. Parents will also be expected to participate in a team roster to cover things like canteen staff, running the lines and / or reffing and putting up goals and / or nets.
Do I really have to Volunteer?
YES. FMR is a not for profit club. We keep our player fees low by relying on our families to help out during the season. It is expect that ALL families will play a small part, instead of a few families doing it all. You will be rostered to do a canteen shift (generally before your child’s kick off time so you can still watch the game), provided oranges for half time, Referee and in the case of FIFA to run the lines, at least once during the season. If you are unavailable on the date you are rostered to one of these jobs, please arrange a swap among the parents in your team. You can also help by putting up or packing away goals or nets depending on your age group, corner poles and Coaching or Managing your team.
Are there other ways I can help the Club?
Yes! We are always looking for Player of the Day vouchers, so if you have a business, please talk to us about this. We are also keen to expand our Sponsors and require products for Raffles and Quiz Night Prizes / Auction items.
How can I learn more about Soccer so I can run the lines or Ref?
The free Laws of the Games which covers a lot of the basics course is here:
There is also some information here:
What is Country Week?
Country Week is where all Leagues in WA converge in Perth for a week of games. It’s great fun and LNJSA send up 2 teams in each age group (U11-U17). Those in the eligible age groups will be emailed from the Country Week Coordinator during the season to advise of the trial dates, which are held in Busselton. Trials are held over 3 weeks, with those making it through each trial invited to return the following week. Teams are then chosen and those selected advised. Training then runs each Saturday after the regular games for 6-8 weeks prior to the competition, and again is mostly in Busselton.
Do I have to pay a fee if my child is selected for Country Week?
Yes. Fees are covered by the players family and are payable to LNJSA. They are generally between $800-900. This covers transport for the week (from Busselton to Perth, to and from games, return to Busselton), registration costs, insurance, accommodation and meals for the week.
What is Country Camp?
Players are chosen out of Country Week squads. Football West representatives will watch multiple games to select the “Best of the Best” players to be given the opportunity to go to Country Camp early the following year, and can provide them with pathways such as playing in an overseas competition prior to the start of the Club season.
What is the FIFA Cup?
The FIFA cup is a competition within the competition for U12-YL teams. There are usually Quarter and Semi-Finals playoff rounds to take it down to the two final teams in each age group in the Finals which are held after the final round of the Season. FMR usually has a good showing in each age group, with the medals to match!
What is the Development Squad, and why do we play them?
The Development Squad is a team made up of rotating players, chosen for their high skill level. The age ranges change each year, and the Development Squad will participate in the League a year above their own - for example U12 DS v U13 teams. It is a great opportunity for those FIFA age teams to play under lights at Barnard Park (Busselton) and for the players chose in the Development Squad to be given opportunities to enhance their skills. If your player is chosen for a Development Squad, the rounds they play their own team, they will play for FMR.
If I have a problem, who do I contact?
Any issues with your team or Coach can be raised through your Manager who will report them to the Junior Coordinator. You are also welcome to contact our Junior Coordinator direct if you you feel that your Coach or Manager is not addressing your concerns appropriately.
FMR only receives a portion of your fees. Your fees also cover the FFA Player Registration Fee, Football West Fees and the LNJSA Levy. We use fees to cover equipment, kit, and running costs. Careful consideration is given to any fee increase as we understand that the cost of living is rising, but we do need to make sure the Club has the fund necessary to continue to operate. We aim to keep our fees as low as possible for our families, which is why we rely heavily on fundraising and volunteers to run the Canteen, events, and the Club itself.